Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What's in a Date?

June 24th fell on a Monday in 2002. The day began like any other - everyone woke, had their coffee, and went about their way. Life at a glance looked like this; My father had passed away in August of the previous year, Tara (our oldest daughter- two years Aaron's junior) had left for college a few weeks after dad's passing, and was home from school for her first summer break, Ana (our youngest daughter) was enjoying her post-third grade summer like any other nine year old, and Aaron, having recently completed his AS degree in Golf Course Management, was gainfully employed at one of America's most prestigious courses and was headed toward a very lucrative career. Life was good and even through the pain of dad's passing.... we felt blessed.

But another date had fallen like a giant anvil in the midst of our seemingly normal life....September 11th, 2001! I, like you knew instantly that THAT date, that "sucker punch", would change the course of our nation's history. What I had no way of knowing at the time, was that it would change the course of our personal history as well. Unbeknownst to us, this date would give June 24th, 2002 national signifigance some nine years later.

See, June 24th, 2002, was Aaron's 21st birthday, and everyone who's heard our story knows by now that it was on that date the he made a pitstop on his way home from work; the Navy Recruiting Center in Stuart, FL. Did he stop to pick up some pamphlets, or gain understanding on a possible new career path? NO! He JOINED the SEAL Challenge Program! Imagine our shock at the dinner table that night when he unveiled the events of the afternoon. It still makes me smile to "hear" his father say, "Son, you DO realize that if you don't make it as a SEAL, you'll still be in the Navy, right?" Aaron's response, "Oh, I'll make it. I'm not going to live on a boat!" And make it he did!!! Through our obvious worry and concern, we celebrated that night! We celebrated the fact that OUR SON was going to make a difference in this world; that his dreams were as huge as his heart; and that his passion for our great nation, a passion we'd instilled in him since birth, was sincere. Our son was a sheepdog, and we were proud.

If we had known that 6/24/02 would lead to 8/6/11, would we have stopped and screamed and demanded a do-over? I'm thankful we don't have that power.

Dates have taken on a new meaning to this family. August 6th, 2011, now marks the death of our hero, a life cut short, the loss of greatness, but also and most importantly... Aaron's glorious entrance into his eternal home, his face-to-face reunion with our creator God, Jehovah, The Holy One. I bet his mansion is full of really cool gear!

We miss you son, and one day... Our "date" will come. See you then.


  1. Karen, what a gorgeous picture of your babies! I never had the privilege of meeting Ana, but wow, what a good-looking trio! And, I'm very tall was Aaron? I don't remember "Mr. Billy" being that tall, and when I see your tall Aaron that gives me hope for my "vertically challenged" litle guy :0)

  2. Hahaha!!! He is 6'4". And no, Billy isn't tall!!! :) We both have some tall genes in the family tree though! Your dad is pretty tall isn't he??? Hopefully your boy will have a big growth spurt! Love you Patty and Thanks!
